Can Shih Tzus Swim? 10 Steps to Introduce Shih Tzu to Water

Shih Tzus are not natural water dogs

Shih Tzus are a small, affectionate breed of dog that are beloved by many pet owners. They are known for their playful and energetic personalities, and are often thought of as lap dogs that are content to spend their days lounging around the house. However, many people are curious about whether or not Shih Tzus can swim. In this article, we will explore the swimming abilities of Shih Tzus and provide a step-by-step guide for taking your Shih Tzu for a swim.

Can Shih Tzus swim?

Yes, Shih Tzus can swim. They are not a water dog breed, but they can learn to swim with proper training and supervision. It is important to note that not all Shih Tzus will take to swimming naturally and some may be hesitant to get in the water.

Is a Shih Tzu a water dog?

No, Shih Tzus are not considered a water dog breed. Water dog breeds are typically bred for hunting and retrieving in water, such as Retrievers, Spaniels, and some Hound breeds.

Are Shih Tzu dogs good swimmers?

Shih Tzus are not naturally good swimmers, but with proper training and supervision, they can learn to swim. It is important to note that not all Shih Tzus will take to swimming, and some may be hesitant to get in the water.

Step-by-step guide to introduce a Shih Tzus to water

  1. Start by introducing your Shih Tzu to the water in a shallow area, such as a kiddie pool or a shallow end of a pool. This will allow your Shih Tzu to become comfortable with the sensation of water on their paws and body.
  2. Offer your Shih Tzu treats or toys as a reward for getting in the water. This will encourage them to explore the water and associate it with positive experiences.
  3. Gradually increase the depth of the water as your Shih Tzu becomes more comfortable. Start with a few inches of water and gradually increase it to waist-deep water.
  4. Hold your Shih Tzu and guide them through the water, allowing them to get used to the sensation of floating and moving in the water.
  5. Once your Shih Tzu is comfortable with the shallow water, you can begin to teach them to paddle with their legs. Use positive reinforcement, such as treats and praise, to encourage them to paddle.
  6. Gradually increase the length of time your Shih Tzu spends in the water. Start with short sessions and increase the duration as they become more comfortable.
  7. Be sure to provide your Shih Tzu with positive reinforcement throughout the process. This will help them to associate swimming with positive experiences.
  8. Always supervise your Shih Tzu when they are swimming, and provide them with a life jacket if necessary. It’s important to keep their safety in mind throughout the process.
  9. If your Shih Tzu becomes frightened or stressed in the water, it’s best to stop the swimming session and try again later. Gradual introduction and positive reinforcement are the key to success.
  10. Once your Shih Tzu is comfortable with swimming, you can take them to different bodies of water, such as a lake or a swimming pool. Be sure to supervise them closely, and provide them with a life jacket if necessary.
Shih Tzus swimming with a life jacket
Shih Tzus swimming with a life jacket

Is swimming difficult for Shih Tzu?

Swimming can be difficult for Shih Tzus, especially if they are not used to it. They have a thick coat and a short snout, which can make it harder for them to keep their head above water. It is important to supervise your Shih Tzu at all times when they are swimming, and to provide them with a life jacket if necessary.

Do Shih Tzus like water?

Some Shih Tzus enjoy water and take to swimming naturally, while others may be hesitant to get in the water. It is important to introduce your Shih Tzu to water gradually and to provide them with positive reinforcement during the process.

Do Shih Tzus like baths?

Some Shih Tzus enjoy baths and will tolerate them well, while others may be hesitant or stressed out by the experience. It is important to introduce your Shih Tzu to baths gradually and to provide them with positive reinforcement during the process.

Take your Shih Tzu for a swim (with a step-by-step swimming guide)

  1. Start by introducing your Shih Tzu to the water in a shallow area, such as a kiddie pool or a shallow end of a pool.
  2. Offer your Shih Tzu treats or toys as a reward for getting in the water.
  3. Gradually increase the depth of the water as your Shih Tzu becomes more comfortable.
  4. Always supervise your Shih Tzu when they are swimming, and provide them with a life jacket if necessary.
  5. Gradually increase the length of time your Shih Tzu spends in the water.
  6. Be sure to provide your Shih Tzu with positive reinforcement throughout the process.

Can Long Hair Shih Tzus Swim?

Long hair Shih Tzus can swim, but it is important to take extra care of their coat before and after a swim. Their coat can get tangled and matted if not dried and groomed properly. It is recommended to put a coat conditioner and use a wide-toothed comb to detangle their coat

Think of your Shih Tzus safety:

When taking your Shih Tzu for a swim, it is important to always keep their safety in mind. Always supervise your Shih Tzu when they are swimming, and provide them with a life jacket if necessary. It’s also important to ensure that the water temperature is appropriate for your Shih Tzu. Avoid taking them for a swim in extremely cold or hot water as it can be dangerous for them.

Are Shih Tzus scared of water?

Some Shih Tzus may be hesitant or scared of water. It is important to introduce your Shih Tzu to water gradually and to provide them with positive reinforcement during the process. If your Shih Tzu seems overly scared or stressed out by the water, it may be best to consult with a professional trainer or behaviorist for guidance.

Can Shih Tzus go to the beach?

Shih Tzus can go to the beach, but it is important to keep in mind that the sand and saltwater can be harsh on their coat and skin. It is recommended to rinse your Shih Tzu with fresh water after a beach trip and to groom them thoroughly. It’s also important to keep an eye on the temperature and avoid taking them to the beach in extremely hot weather.

Shih Tzu near a beach
Shih Tzu near a beach

What breed of dog can’t swim?

Some dog breeds, such as bulldogs and pugs, are not good swimmers because of their short snouts and wide-set eyes. These breeds are prone to breathing difficulties, and can tire easily in the water. It is important to consult with a veterinarian before introducing these breeds to water, and to supervise them closely while they are swimming.

5 Dogs that can’t swim

  1. Bulldogs – Bulldogs have a short snout and wide-set eyes that make it difficult for them to keep their head above water. They are also prone to breathing difficulties and can tire easily in the water.
  2. Pugs – Pugs also have a short snout and wide-set eyes that make it difficult for them to keep their head above water. They are also prone to breathing difficulties and can tire easily in the water.
  3. Dachshunds – Dachshunds have a long body and short legs which can make it difficult for them to keep their head above water. They also have a thick coat which can make them heavy in the water.
  4. Basset Hounds – Basset Hounds have a heavy, drooping body and short legs which can make it difficult for them to keep their head above water. They also have a thick coat which can make them heavy in the water.
  5. Boxers – Boxers have a short snout and wide-set eyes that make it difficult for them to keep their head above water. They are also prone to breathing difficulties and can tire easily in the water.


In conclusion, Shih Tzus can swim with proper training and supervision, but they are not naturally good swimmers. It’s important to introduce your Shih Tzu to water gradually and to provide them with positive reinforcement during the process. Always keep your Shih Tzu’s safety in mind and provide them with a life jacket if necessary. Remember to groom them properly before and after a swim and to avoid taking them to the beach in extremely hot weather. With the right care and attention, your Shih Tzu can enjoy the benefits of swimming and have fun in the water.


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