If you are a beagle owner you may be wondering if your dog needs a companion, either another beagle or other dog breed. You may be asking yourself if beagles need another dog for a number of reasons, including creating your own ‘pack’ so that your beagle is not lonely and has a doggy playmate or just that other beagle owners suggest you get a second beagle, as one is never enough!

In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of having two Beagles, answer the question ‘are Beagles better in pairs’, delve into their social nature, energy levels, and the challenges and benefits of owning a pair of these hounds.

Do Beagles Need Another Dog?

beagle sniffing its owner
Beagles can be happy living with just humans or others dog

Beagles don’t need another dog to be happy, though, because of a beagles breeding history they may be better with another dog. Let’s explore why.

Beagles were originally bred as hunting dogs to form larger ‘packs’ of dogs. The pack of beagles would work together to track the scent of its prey. At the end of a hunt the beagles would share sleeping areas and eat together forming strong bonds with their canine companions.

As hunting dogs they had to learn to get along with other dogs and humans, a trait that has carried on to the modern beagle, making them ideal to pair with another dog. While a single beagle may prefer the regular company of another dog, it’s not always necessary and can live by itself quite happily in the company of humans. However, remember that your beagle needs companionship, either from humans or other dogs. They were bred to work in packs and don’t do well if left alone for long periods.

Are Beagles Good With Other Dogs?

a beagle with other dogs

Generally speaking beagles are good with other dogs, including other beagles. Beagles are friendly, amiable and social dogs and will happily live with another beagle or other dog breed. There are pros and cons to the beagle breed, just as there is with any other dog breed.

Are Two Beagles Better Than One?

If you have the time, resources, space and can fit two beagles around your lifestyle, then two beagles is generally better than one.

As we have already touched on, beagles are social dogs, bred to be part of large packs of dogs, and as such would welcome the companion of another dog in the household. 

Two (or more) beagles will provide each dog with companionship when you and your family are not around, though I would advise against having a second dog if the main reason is to keep the other dog company while you are away from home, at work for example.

Also, be aware of your existing beagles temperament when considering a second dog. Your existing beagle needs to have the right temperament and socialization in order for the integration of the second dog to go as smoothly as possible. The last thing you want is to introduce a second dog and your first beagle rejects it, or at worst, fight with the second dog (however unlikely).

A pair of beagles out for a walk

Signs Your Beagle May Benefit From Another Dog/Beagle

If you already have a beagle you might be seeing cues from your beagle that they need more companionship.

Here are a few examples of signs that your Beagle may benefit from having another dog or Beagle as a companion:

  1. Social Behavior with Other Dogs: Check how your dog interacts with other dogs, in parks, during walks or doggy day care. If your dog enjoys this interaction then seems withdrawn when you leave this is a sign they might be better living with a second dog.
  2. Separation Anxiety: Beagles are known for their pack mentality and can suffer from separation anxiety when left home alone. If your Beagle shows signs of distress when you’re not around (like destructive behavior, excessive barking, or signs of depression), another dog might provide comfort and companionship.
  3. High Energy Levels: Beagles are typically energetic and playful. If your dog has a lot of energy and you struggle to keep up, a second dog might help burn off some of that energy.
  4. Good History of Sharing: If your Beagle has been good at sharing toys, food, and attention with other dogs, this is a positive sign. Dogs that are possessive or aggressive around these resources might struggle to adjust to a new dog in the home – a sure fire red flag to getting another dog.
  5. Boredom or Lack of Stimulation: If your Beagle seems bored or under-stimulated, despite your best efforts with toys and activities, a canine companion might provide the extra mental and physical stimulation they need.
  6. Positive Reaction to Temporary Companions: If you’ve had other dogs stay over (like pet-sitting for friends or family), or have visited friends who have dogs, and your Beagle responded positively, enjoying the company and play interaction, this is a good indicator they might do well with a canine companion.

Reasons to Get Two Beagles

A second dog and the subsequent interactions will help your existing dog with social skills, which will come in handy when you have a visit to a vet or encounters with other dogs. 

Another good reason is that both dogs can learn from each other. Often dogs will pick up good (and bad) behavior cues from each other, which can make things such as leash training a little easier.

Since Beagles are bred for pack hunting, they have an innate understanding of and comfort with other dogs, particularly of their own kind. This can make the integration of a second Beagle smoother compared to introducing a different breed.

By having two dogs of similar ages they have the pleasure of growing old gracefully together, which I think is a sweet thing. However, I have also seen how bringing a puppy into a home with a new dog can give the older dog a new lease of life.

The Challenges of Owning Two Beagles

While there are many benefits to owning two Beagles, it’s important to recognize the challenges and responsibilities that come with adding a second dog to your family.

Increased Responsibility

Owning two Beagles means double the work, time, and financial commitment, as you’ll need to provide food, veterinary care, and supplies for both dogs. Additionally, you’ll need to dedicate more time to training, exercise, and grooming for both Beagles to ensure they receive the love and care they deserve. 

All this can be very demanding and draining on you and your family, so make sure you are up for the challenge.

Potential Behavioral Issues

Behavioral issues may arise if both Beagles are not properly trained and socialized. While Beagles are generally friendly and gentle dogs, conflicts can occur if they do not understand each other’s boundaries or social cues. It’s important to ensure that both Beagles receive proper training and socialization to prevent potential issues such as biting and promote harmonious coexistence.

Space and Living Arrangements

Beagles are highly adaptable and can thrive in various living conditions, from apartments to homes with large yards. However, it’s important to ensure that your living space can accommodate the needs of both dogs, allowing them to have their own sleeping space and supplies, as well as room to play and exercise together.

Tips for Successfully Introducing a Second Beagle

beagle introduced to another dog

Introducing a second Beagle to your family can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it’s important to approach the process with care and consideration. 

Gradual Introduction

Introducing the new Beagle slowly and in a controlled environment is crucial for a smooth transition. This can be done by first introducing the two dogs in neutral territory, such as a park or other outdoor space, and allowing them to become more comfortable with each other before bringing them indoors. 

Monitoring Interactions

Monitoring interactions between the two Beagles is essential during the introduction process to prevent any potential conflicts or issues. By observing each beagle’s behavior and body language, you can intervene if necessary and provide positive reinforcement for good behavior.

Training and Socialization

By dedicating time and effort to training and socializing both Beagles, you can ensure a successful introduction and a harmonious relationship between both dogs. With patience, love, and perseverance, your Beagles will form a strong bond and become lifelong companions for you and both your dogs.

Can Two Male Beagles Live Together

Yes, two male beagles can happily live together, many families have two male dogs without any issues. Beagles really are easy going dogs that are bred to be in packs, and you should have no issues with males together, it’s what they are bred to do!

Like with any breed, it’s prudent to check that both dogs get on together beforehand and as long as both dogs have good socialization training there shouldn’t be any issues. 

If you have a house with a female and male beagle and decide to get another male, the original male could be protective, so always introduce the new dogs first, perhaps in a neutral venue, to see if they are going to accept a new dog.

It doesn’t have to be love at first sight for the two dogs, but as long as they are relaxed and non aggressive then it’s a good starting point.

Do Male and Female Beagles Get Along

Yes, much the same as two male beagles living together is ok, so are two female beagles. However, never presume everything will work out between the two female beagles, do your homework on each dog’s personality and introduce the two dogs in a neutral environment to ensure they get along.

Are Beagles Territorial?

As a rule beagles are not territorial with other dogs. However, this can vary from dog to dog as it’s always best to check how your beagle behaves when another dog is in and around its territory.

Another trait to be wary of before getting a second dog is resource guarding. Some beagles may be over protective of their belongings and introducing another dog that may want to play or interact with the first dog’s possessions could cause some issues. My current eldest beagle, Baylee, will growl if my younger dog goes near her toys or food, so be wary!

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